Organisational Development
„It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent.
It is the one most adaptable to change.”
(Charles Darwin)
bitte warten...
„It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent.
It is the one most adaptable to change.”
(Charles Darwin)
The comfort zone is most dangerous in the medium term.
Continuous development is what drives successful companies.
In order to actively meet the challenges of the future and remain a major player on the market, organisations require managers and employees who actively support change and even initiate it themselves. Therefore, being willing to repeatedly take yourself out of your comfort zone is crucial. Being open to new ideas and changes and having your own input are the positive consequences.
featuring Consulting supports you with innovative methods and interactive workshops for distinguishing existing, internal ideas and as a sparring partner during their implementation.
Are you ready to leave your comfort zone? We look forward hearing from you!
„People don‘t resist change. They resist being changed“
(Peter M. Senge)
Overcoming challenges together.
We are convinced that changes are best managed when all parties are actively involved in shaping them. Our principle: Gain the managers’ and employees’ acceptance for ideas and changes, invite them to invest their energy in change and work on the future together.
Why is change management necessary?
“Things are good how they are.”
“It’s always been done that way.”
“It won’t work for us.”
Many projects are rejected or met with reluctance in companies. Change management helps you to turn these challenges into opportunities and to implement projects successfully and efficiently.
Are you and your team faced with or in the midst of a process of change and searching for professional change management to help you along the way?
We would be happy to help you and look forward to hearing from you!
With some questions we sometimes literally go around in circles or feel like we cannot see the wood for the trees. In situations like these coaching is able to support you by winning back your clarity.
Coaching is a solution oriented, individually adapted eye-to-eye conversation. Its goal is to broaden your perspective, hence, your options, and to assist you in finding your optimal solution by using specific methods and questions. Together we work on defining your goal and developing matching solution strategies.
„He, who knows his goal, can decide.
He who decides, finds peace.
He who finds peace, is sure.
He who is sure, can think.
He who can think, can improve.”
In coaching I accompany you step by step by structuring the process and by using specific questions to your individual solution. Here are some examples of questions which can be addressed within a coaching session:
– Professional change or reorientation
– Your (new) role as executive
– Examining and elaborating solutions for difficult decisions/challenges
– Preparation of (new) assignments and challenging conversations
– Solution of conflicts (with colleagues/other divisions, within the team,…)
– Time Management, coping with stress and finding your individual balance
I would be happy to help you and look forward to hearing from you!
The challenge:
As we deal with high complexity and place high demands on ourselves we tend to strive for predictability and control. But faults and the unexpected are an integral part of our everyday lives.
Improvisation (im-provisus, lat.: un-foreseeable/un-predictable) – hence working with what unfolds at any given moment and to create something out of anything – offers one distinct advantage: Even in the toughest of situations we remain capable to act.
Our method:
Applied Improvisation for „failing beautifully“ and recognizing the opportunities of the unpredictable.
Only the really courageous make it through `-).
More information needed? Download pdf
Our further training range:
– Applied/Business Improvisation
– Leading Change/Change Competence
– Positive Leadership: Unfolding the full potential
– Leadership training (based on individual company requirements)
– Design and facilitation of successful workshops
Wanna start with one of our trainings or need more information? We look forward to hearing from you!
“Targets set, deadlines defined – Successful workshop!”
“Learnt a great deal about the company”
“Excellent moderation”
Our workshops, training sessions and large group events:
– Open dialogue between participants and the management and elaborating the defined themes in many different settings.
– Outstanding formats with innovative content and the necessary attention to detail.
– Focus on the important topics and the central theme.
– Exciting mixture of focal points and interactive themes which bring a breath of fresh air to your organisation.
– The participants play an active role and apply their knowledge.
– A professionally conceived and moderated event which participants will remember for a long time to come.
How do we work? download pdf
Are you planning a workshop or a large group event and require help with the creative design, implementation or moderation?
Lindengasse 56/18-19
1070 Vienna