
The challenge:
As we deal with high complexity and place high demands on ourselves we tend to strive for predictability and control. But faults and the unexpected are an integral part of our everyday lives.
Improvisation (im-provisus, lat.: un-foreseeable/un-predictable) – hence working with what unfolds at any given moment and to create something out of anything – offers one distinct advantage: Even in the toughest of situations we remain capable to act.
Our method:
Applied Improvisation for „failing beautifully“ and recognizing the opportunities of the unpredictable. The Laboratory for Beautiful Failure offers a reliable setting to experiment with the methods of the Laboratory. You are going to experience the wonderful aspects of the unpredictable and how successful improvisation is going to increase the probability of usage under stress and challenging situations in your daily life. Additionally to Applied Improvisation we work with methods out of Positive Psychology, Mindfulness and Systemic Consultancy.
Only the really courageous make it through `-).
„Failing in itself may not be particularly desirable: but at the laboratory created by Felicia Fuchs, it becomes amusing, entertaining and at the same time very educational. Simply put: it becomes failing beautifully!
Karin Kradischnig, HR Interim Manager, Coach and Trainer
Finding a new approach. To fail beautifully.
The Labororatory for Beautiful Failure offers a new way of dealing with unpredictability and failure. We define failing beautifully as accepting that things do not always go according to plan and as the ability to deal with these situations with greater ease.

Discovery – Deepening – Connection
According to the motto „Discovery-Deepening-Connection“ the Laboratory for Beautiful Failure – offered as analogue or virtual format – focuses on experiencing and acquiring a new mindset: To fail beautifully. For corporate clients the Laboratory also links the new mindset with the internal company culture.
Details and information about the Laboratory:
The benefits:
– New ways to handle failure, contradiction and paradox situations
– Increased ability to decide and act when dealing with difficult situations and stress
– Immediate access to spontaneity, creativity and innovation
– Improved and agile cooperation, mindfulness and communication within the team
– Inspiration, ease and joy
Ready to jump in at the deep end?
You will find perfect conditions in our open-house seminars of the Laboratory (currently only available in German). They take place – analogue as well as digital – at regular intervalls.
The Laboratory for Beautiful Failure is intended for people, who…
– feel confronted with the current challenges of the VUCA-world (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity) as high demands, time pressure and many more unpredictable variables
– want to find a more relaxed approach
– bear responsibility and take (difficult) decisions
– are open for unusual methods and tools
– are internal or external experts (HR, IT, Corporate Development, Strategy, Communication) or multipliers
featuring Consulting –
Felicia Fuchs e.U.
Lindengasse 56/18-19
1070 Vienna